StrengthsFinder Workshop Activities - Strengths Art Wall™
In the course of facilitating Strengthsfinder workshops for different organizations (Multi-national companies, small-medium enterprises, schools, religious groups), we discovered that one of the key ways to help people take ownership of their StrengthsFinder talent themes is to have them express their themes in pictorial form. By expressing each of the talent themes into a creative art form (often a single picture), people are challenged to internalize their talents in a succinct way. This creates greater clarity in their minds and increases their ownership of the talent themes. Strengths Art Wall™ is a StrengthsFinder workshop activity that was birthed out of this idea to engage individuals to claim their talents. In Strengths School™, we found this idea of creative expression to be one that is evergreen. Regardless of age, it has been observed that when people are asked to express their talents in a pictorial form, their learning grows to take on greater depth.
The Strengths Art Wall™ is probably the 1st in the world to use the idea of an art exhibition in highlighting the power of the Gallup StrengthsFinder tool. The Strengths Art Wall™ was created so that people are able to see how beautiful and unique their talent themes can be when they are expressed. The Creator of the Strengths Art Wall™, Jason Ho, is passionate about creative arts expressions and enjoys art, music and drama. He intentionally brings this passion into every arena of his life: He employs the use of art and drama as he facilitates Strengthsfinder training workshops, spends time teaching his 3 children art and craft, and he directs musical drama in his church. Jason strongly believes that the creative arts is an area that can be used powerfully for learning.
For the workshops that Strengths School™ facilitates, an art wall is constructed in the corners of the room. One of the team building activities include having every person in the workshop draw out their top 5 talent themes. The pictures are put up on the art wall, just like an art exhibition. The participants in the workshop are invited to look at the different art pieces to discover how others express their talent themes.
It is often interesting to see how a similar theme is expressed so uniquely and differently. In a simple picture, we can often observe the powerful interactions between the different talent themes. This is especially enlightening for people who are new to the Gallup StrengthsFinder tool. One of the benefits of using the StrengthsFinder tool is that the results demonstrate that human beings cannot be boxed up. Within a person’s top 5 talent themes, there can be multiple permutations of these talent themes interacting with each other. Some of these interactions are observed clearly through the different drawings. Many people received “A-ha” moments when they learnt about each talent theme through the art pieces.
Strengths Art Wall™ in different StrengthsFinder Workshops:
Here are also some of the beautiful and interesting art pieces that illustrate the StrengthsFinder themes uniquely and differently:
StrengthsFinder ARRANGER
You are the Conductor who leads the team to play beautiful music!
You are the one who finds the best configuration.
You are the one who excels in managing the different variables in a project.
You believe in having both feet in and in being wholehearted.
You believe in taking ownership for the family.
You are dependable and people trust their burdens with you.
More of these pictures can be found in our Strengths Art Wall™ page. If you are a Gallup-Certified StrengthsFinder Coach who does coaching and workshops for organizations or individuals, please feel free to use this as one of your coaching tools. We believe this tool will greatly enhance the engagement of the participants and increase your value-add to them. If you decide to use this tool, we would kindly request that you share your success stories with us at
Written by Victor Seet
Activator • Communication • Strategic • Self-Assurance • Command
As a Gallup certified Strengthsfinder coach, Victor is passionate about strengths engagement and now runs his own training company, Strengths School™ ( He has been actively giving Strengthsfinder leadership and team building workshops to businesses and schools in Singapore as well as Hong Kong, China (Shanghai) and India.