The "Unseen" Benefits of Corporate Team-Building

Are you one of those who are sceptical about the impact of corporate team-building? Have you dismissed corporate team-building as an unnecessary cost with little to no return on investment?

Many organisations forsake corporate team-building or put it on hold because they don't see the immediate impact they hope it brings. Embedded in their mentality is the notion that the impact of corporate team-building must be linked to tangible outcomes like increased productivity or higher profit margins. Without which, it is not worth the "investment".

The danger of that mentality is that the benefits of corporate team-building are not often linked to said tangible outcomes. As a matter of fact, these benefits might go unseen and unnoticed when it first takes root. But it's only a matter of time before the ripple effect cascades down to indirectly fulfilling (or even exceeding) the tangible outcomes.

In this article, let's unpack these benefits that you don't see and how they translate to tangible outcomes for your organisation:

You don't see the shift in perspectives

Regardless of the stand taken by an organisation on whether corporate team-building is beneficial, they cannot deny that the success of their business relies on the success of the teams that drive the business. And the success of these teams relies heavily on the ability of the people to collaborate and communicate with each other.

In short, organisations need their people to get along.

"Get along", in this instance, doesn't just mean them being comfortable enough with each other to be meeting up for high tea or catching up on life. It means that they understand how each individual works in their team, how their different working styles make them stronger, and even how to appreciate their differences while at it.

This is where corporate team-building can bring about a significant but "unseen" shift in perspective among team members that helps them appreciate the unique qualities of another –– their strengths, weaknesses, communication styles, or work preferences –– and empower them to work together effectively.

You don't see the subtle changes in the team dynamics

It is well-known that corporate team-building is crucial for building strong relationships and boosting engagement in teams.

The reality is that changes to relational dynamics will always be intangible and difficult to quantify. Corporate team-building does not cover the hard skills of work-specific training. Instead, the right corporate team-building partner will dive into the psychology of soft skills. It can range from how team members interact with each other to how team members can manage conflict better.

Because of the nuances in relational dynamics, it is difficult to quantify the "unseen" impact that quality corporate team-building brings and how it can lift employees' morale or change the workplace atmosphere.

You don't see the longevity of the impact

Finally, organisations need to remember that building a team is a marathon, not a sprint.

Just because there is no direct impact on the profit margin or productivity in the short term does not render corporate team-building ineffective. Time is required for teams to apply any new approach or change their existing way of doing things.

Corporate team-building is designed for the long term. While its impact goes "unseen" because it does not have a direct impact on the bottomline, its indirect impact has long-lasting effects on teams and undoubtedly contributes to the building of consistently high-performing teams in the long run.

Final Thoughts

Make no mistake that corporate team building is an integral part of any successful business. It can often be overlooked, but its far-reaching benefits should not be underestimated.

Building trust and developing strong relationships between employees can increase productivity and drive success from the individual to the organisational level. Companies should embrace corporate team-building as an essential part of their culture to ensure optimal performance and lasting success.

If you want to build high-performing teams in your organisation, check out how our team of corporate team-building specialists in Singapore can help you do just that: drop us an enquiry and we’ll be in touch!

Written by Rachel Chai

Connectedness • Empathy • Strategic • Belief • Context

Rachel is a Strengths School™ Certified Strengths Trainer and the Content Lead at Strengths School™. Being deeply introspective, she believes in helping others draw connections between how their unique strengths play out in their lives.


We are corporate team-building specialists based in Singapore, equipping in-person, virtual, and hybrid teams with practical tools to maximise collaboration and minimise conflict. Trusted by 600+ teams globally, our proven track record showcases our expertise in helping teams achieve their corporate team-building objectives.

Jason Ho
Jason is SouthEast Asia's 1st Gallup’s StrengthsFinder® Certified & Platinum Coach. He is both founder and principal coach in Strengths School™ ( and has over 7 years of corporate experience in training, development and performance coaching for MNCs, SMEs, schools & non-profit organisations. Jason has over 11,000 hours of experience in Personal development coaching and Management consultancy. He completed the PMC Certification (Practising Management Consultant) - a certification that is awarded by the SBACC (Singapore Business Advisors & Consultants Council) ensuring the high standards for Management Consultancy in Singapore. Jason sits on the NUS Business School panel as a StrengthsFinder® Advisor and assists in running the ‘Emerging Leaders Program’ for high performance business individuals. Jason has successfully led workshops and coaching programs for corporate organization such as DHL, Lee Jeans, Wrangler, Vans, VF Corp, National University of Singapore, NUS business School, Mininstry of Education and various schools and learning institutes. His passion to empower adults and youths alike in strengths is evident through his energy and enthusiasm in leading fun-filled workshops. There is never a dull moment when it come to sharing StrengthsFinder with others as he believes that with the correct mix of humour in a session, the participants get the most learning. As a strengths coach, his top 5 strengths make the coaching journey light and enjoyable but yet deep and meaningful. Clients leave having a heightened level of self-awareness that is empowering and gives new direction in life. At Strengths School™, he pushes the strengths movement in Singapore, HongKong and Asia. He believes that once people discover their StrengthsFinder talents, they become more of who they were made to be, rather than try to be someone that they are not. He is extremely passionate about StrengthsFinder and if you have a chance to talk to him about it, you would experience first hand how extreme that passion is.

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