strengths finder education genius program career singapore school

Stand out from the crowd. Gain clarity on your vocational path. Learn what makes you unique - and how to communicate this effectively.

When you’re competing for a position along with a dozen other highly competent candidates, what helps you to stand out? This is where a Strengths-based approach would be invaluable. Through understanding their strengths, participants will discover the innate talents that are key to their success. This will grow their self-awareness and empower them to effectively brand themselves, communicating their greatest value-add to prospective employers (or the tertiary institutions of their choice).

Our Strengths-based Education & Career Guidance Program is customizable for:

  • Secondary School Students (DSA & EAE Applications, Education & Career Guidance)

  • JC Students (Personal Statement Writing for Scholarships, Education & Career Guidance)

  • ITE Students (Personal Branding, Job Applications)

  • Masters' Students (Personal Statement Writing for Scholarships, Personal Branding & Career Guidance)

  • PhD Students (Personal Branding & Career Preparation)

Strengths for Career Paths: As the students grow and mature, they move from a stage of exploring everything to narrowing down their vocational choices to ones best suited to their unique blend of talents, interests and skillsets. Through this segment, students will understand their intrinsic Strengths-based motivators and how to align their strengths with their vocational choices. Participants will also take away practical guidelines for writing their personal brand statements.